To find a doctor/provider
Find the right Wayne Health provider for you – search by your preference of location, medical service, language, gender and/or insurance.
To pay your bill
Pay your bill online. If you have questions regarding your bill, please feel free to call an account representative at (866) 978-6333 (toll free). Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Medical records
To transfer your medical records to another provider or to receive personal copies of your medical records, please complete and sign this authorization form. The completed form can be dropped off at any Wayne Health clinic location or faxed to (248) 581-5010. If you would like to check the status on a previously submitted authorization form, please call Datafile Technologies at (816) 437-9134.
General information
We want to hear from you and will do our best to answer your questions. For information on any Wayne Health clinical program or physician, write us at the mailing address below or call (877) WAYNE-HC or (877) 929-6342.