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Wayne Health Pathology specialists provide laboratory tests for cancer, heart disease, neurological disorders, women’s and childhood conditions, and more. From basic blood work to the most somplex forms of testing, Wayne Health Pathology offers a wide range of diagnostic testing at conveniently located outpatient labs.
Approximately eight million clinical laboratory tests and 50,000 surgical specimens are processed annually by Wayne Health Pathology and Laboratory specialists at the DMC University Laboratories (DMCUL). The DMCUL test menu is comprised of more than 1,000 tests, including rare and high-end specialty tests. DMCLU provides reference laboratory services for many of the other health care systems in southeastern Michigan.
Pathology and Lab professionals work behind the scenes to help your physician make an accurate diagnosis. Their services include:
Wayne Health Pathology and Laboratory experts offer a wide spectrum of pathology and laboratory services encompassing the following specialty and sub-specialty areas:
Wayne Health Pathology and Laboratory specialists provide medical leadership and diagnostic/consultative expertise for the numerous specialized laboratories throughout the six-hospital system of the Detroit Medical Center, in addition to the Karmanos Cancer Center and the John Dingell Veterans Administration Hospital. Collectively, this represents the highest volume of hospital-based lab testing in the State of Michigan.
Wayne Health physicians and researchers are also faculty at Wayne State University School of Medicine who conduct basic research and clinical studies. This can make the latest treatments and clinical trials available to you sooner than other providers without a medical school affiliation.
Wayne Health clinical pathologists conduct both independent and collaborative research studies. Current research projects using advanced diagnostic tools and methods include studies of the pathology of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, infection and immunity, neuropathology, and pediatrics and perinatal diseases. Our clinical pathology scientists are at the forefront of research in the area of molecular diagnosis.
Wayne Health pathology and laboratory specialists also support WSU’s medical technology, cytotechnology and histotechnology internship programs, as well as provide medical students and pathology residents with training in anatomic and clinical pathology.
For more information, please visit the links below at the WSU School of Medicine.