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Wayne Health’s board-certified urologists or urogynecologists can help those experiencing psychological, hormonal, emotional or physical problems that interfere with their ability to want or enjoy sexual contact.
Millions of people in the U.S. experience sexual dysfunction and many are not aware of the many treatment options available for it. Sometimes the cause is an underlying physical condition that can be treated. Other times it is caused by psychological and emotional issues. Wayne Health has a team of multidisciplinary experts who can help with a full range of diagnostic testing capabilities and a variety of treatment options including medication, devices, surgery, sex therapy and lifestyle changes. We treat people of all gender identities, expression and sexual orientation.
For many of those who experience sexual dysfunction, the cause is physical rather than psychological. A number of diseases, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, or even age, may affect sexual functioning. Wayne Health physicians have years of experience treating sexual dysfunction and can help pinpoint the cause and develop an effective treatment plan to help you enjoy your sex life again. Our multidisciplinary team also includes professionals trained in diagnostic testing for sexual dysfunction, such as hormone testing, vascular studies and sleep studies; patient education; pelvic floor physical therapy and psychological help, including sex therapy.
Wayne Health physicians and researchers are also faculty at Wayne State University School of Medicine who conduct basic research and clinical studies. This can make the latest treatments and clinical trials available to you sooner than other health care providers without a medical school affiliation.
For more information, please visit the links below at the WSU School of Medicine.