Meet the provider: Ahmed Hashem, M.D.
September 1, 2021
Ahmed Hashem, M.D., Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, joined Wayne Health in October 2020.
Dr. Hashem chose Wayne Health because it embraces a philosophy of team work and a multidisciplinary treatment approach. In this setting, highly skilled professionals collaborate together in a cohesive team to offer the highest quality healthcare and address patient needs in a comprehensive manner. He enjoys working with the Metro Detroit community as it’s a diverse and vibrant community with varied health care needs. As a plastic surgeon, he has been particularly impressed by the resilience and motivation of his patients. Their courage and kindness have been inspiring for him to go above and beyond, and help them recover and achieve their healthcare goals.
Dr. Hashem attended the Faculty of Medicine Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt and graduated “excellent with honors”. It is the largest, oldest and most renowned medical school in Egypt and the Middle East. He completed multiple fellowships including hand surgery at the Institut Francais De Chriurgie de La Main in Paris, pediatric plastic surgery at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, and microsurgery, craniofacial surgery and aesthetic plastic surgery at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.
Dr. Hashem’s main motivation to enter surgery was the privilege of being able to help other people at times of need. Surgery is especially intriguing to Dr. Hashem since it involves some artistry and manual dexterity. He finds plastic surgery is unique in many ways. His patients often have a deformity or disfigurement that impacts their body image and confidence. It undermines their self-esteem, social functioning and intimate relationships. Plastic surgery is principally concerned with making patients feel whole again and restoring their sense of identity. Dr. Hashem’s work helps them feel good about themselves and blend in again.
In Dr. Hashem’s practice, it’s key for him to fully understand and clarify patients’ goals and expectations. At the same time, it is absolutely critical for the patient to fully understand the pros and cons of each modality of intervention. Once they develop that level of understanding, he is able to formulate a mutual treatment plan with the patient. He is always inspired by his patients’ courage, resilience and patience. It is a humbling experience for him to be involved in their care. He has been most impacted by his patients who show extreme courage and hope. Some of them have displayed a recovery and improvement that is beyond his expectation.
Dr. Hashem was awarded the Caregiver Celebrations Appreciation Award for vigilant patient care from the Cleveland Clinic in 2014. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2000. However, the thing he is most proud of so far in his career is helping others in a time of need.
In his free time, Dr. Hashem enjoys drawing, reading and squash (a form of racket sport).
To set up an appointment with Dr. Hashem, visit our appointment page or call (877) 929-6342.