#PracticeSafeSun to prevent skin cancer

May 4, 2021

By: Steven Daveluy, M.D., Wayne Health Department of Dermatology

A recent study found that one in three Americans don’t understand the basics of skin cancer and sun protection:

  • 53% of U.S. adults were not aware that shade can protect skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
  • Almost half of participating adults thought that a base tan would protect them from the sun.
  • One in three adults thought that only sunburns were dangerous, and tanning was safe.

These are all misconceptions. Ultraviolet rays from the sun cause skin cancer, whether you get a tan or a sunburn. That’s why a base tan is no help at all in preventing skin cancer.

Skin cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the United States. In fact, there are more skin cancers than all other types of cancer combined. Fortunately, if caught early, there are great treatments for skin cancer that allow patients to survive and thrive.

Skin Cancer Awareness Month, celebrated in May, is a perfect time to make simple lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of skin cancer. These steps include:

  • Wearing sunscreen every day, even if you don’t plan on spending the day outdoors
  • Look for a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunscreen and reapply every two hours
  • Avoiding direct sun by seeking out shade, especially between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
  • Wearing wide-brimmed hats and clothing with UV-protection

You can enjoy being outdoors, just make sure you #PracticeSafeSun.

And make sure you know the signs of skin cancer. It can look like a pimple that doesn’t go away, or it can be an open sore or a skin spot that changes in color. If you notice any new or changing spots on your skin, you should see a board-certified dermatologist.

Wayne Health Dermatology has the expertise to diagnose and treat any concerning skin spots or other conditions related to the skin, hair or nails. Schedule an appointment with a Wayne Health Dermatology provider today on our website or by calling 877-929-6342.

#PracticeSafeSun to prevent skin cancer
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