Wayne Health Events Calendar


Bethel Baptist Church East

Bethel Baptist Church East 5715 Holcomb Ave, Detroit, MI, United States

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with event organizer, is offering the following services: * Blood Pressure Screening * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function screening * Influenza vaccinations *we are billing insurance for flu shots: insurance is highly encouraged, but there will be no cost to an individual who does not have insurance * if you […]


Fenkell Shopping Center

* Blood Pressure Screening * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function screening * Influenza vaccinations *we are billing insurance for flu shots: insurance is highly encouraged, but there will be no cost to an […]


Powerhouse Gym

16231 Woodward Ave, Highland Park, MI 48203

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with the event organizer, is offering the following services : * Blood Pressure Screening* Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function screening* COVID-19 vaccine (manufacturer subject […]

Temple Israel & Forgotten Harvest with Detroit Food Rescue

5725 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield Township, MI 48323

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with Temple Israel & Forgotten Harvest with Detroit Food Rescue, is offering the following services: * Blood Pressure Screening * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney […]

Powerhouse Gym

Powerhouse Gym 16231 Woodward Ave, Highland Park, MI, United States

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with Powerhouse Gym, is offering the following services: * Blood Pressure Screening * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function screening * Influenza vaccinations *we are […]

Fenkell Shopping Center

18606 Fenkell Ave. Detroit, MI 48223

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with Fenkell Shopping Center, is offering the following services: * Blood Pressure Screening * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function screening * Influenza vaccinations *we […]

Fenkell Shopping Center

18606 Fenkell Ave. Detroit, MI 48223

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with Fenkell Shopping Center, is offering the following services: * Blood Pressure Screening * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function screening * Influenza vaccinations *we […]

Fish & Loaves

Fish and Loaves 25670 Northline Rd, Taylor, United States

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with Fish & Loaves, is offering the following services: * Blood Pressure Screening * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function screening * Influenza vaccinations *we […]

Bethel Baptist Church East Partnered With Molina

Bethel Baptist Church East 5715 Holcomb Ave, Detroit, MI, United States

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with Bethel Baptist Church East with Molina, is offering the following services: * Blood Pressure Screening *Retina Imaging *Urinalysis * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney […]

Fish & Loaves

Fish and Loaves 25670 Northline Rd, Taylor, United States

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with Fish & Loaves, is offering the following services: * Blood Pressure Screening * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function screening * Influenza vaccinations *we […]

Fenkell Shopping Center

18606 Fenkell Ave. Detroit, MI 48223

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with Fenkell Shopping Center, is offering the following services: * Blood Pressure Screening * Diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function screening * Influenza vaccinations *we […]

Bethel Baptist East Partnered with Molina

Bethel Baptist East

Wayne Health Mobile Unit (WMHU), in partnership with Bethel Baptist East Partnered with Molina, is offering the following services:   * Blood Pressure Screening *Retina Imaging *Urinalysis * Diabetes, cholesterol, […]