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Wayne Health’s Headache and Pain Clinic offers comprehensive care for both chronic and acute migraines and headaches. We offer access to an experienced and knowledgeable multidisciplinary team to help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life whether you are experiencing your first migraine or have had unsuccessful treatment for ongoing headaches or migraines.
Your visit to the Wayne Health Headache and Pain Clinic begins with an initial evaluation by a neurologist to determine a diagnosis and provide a plan of care for managing headache and pain. Complicated cases may require a multidisciplinary approach involving psychologists, physical therapists and anesthesiologists to provide the most effective treatment for headache and pain.
Our full range of treatment options includes:
Wayne Health physicians and researchers are also faculty at Wayne State University School of Medicine who conduct basic research and clinical studies. This can make the latest treatments and clinical trials available to you sooner than other providers without a medical school affiliation.
For more information, please visit the links below at the WSU School of Medicine.