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Wayne Health’s Otology and Neurotology experts diagnose and treat problems of the ear, including acute and chronic infection, hearing loss, balance disturbance and facial nerve paralysis. Our board-certified physicians offer evaluation, testing and a full range of treatment including medication, surgery and counseling. We offer an affordable range of hearing aids or implant devices for hearing loss, and therapy for facial nerve or balance problems. Surgery and inpatient services are provided at Karmanos/Harper hospital and Beaumont, Dearborn and Royal Oak.
Through our affiliation with Wayne State University School of Medicine, we teach and train medical students and resident physicians and conduct groundbreaking research on the mechanisms of hearing loss, ear infection, tinnitus and hearing implants at WSU’s nationally recognized research laboratories.
Wayne Health’s Otology and Neurotology (ear and inner ear) team brings academic expertise to diagnose and treat conditions of the ear, including infection, hearing loss or tinnitus, as well as facial paralysis and balance problems. Our board-certified physicians will perform a comprehensive evaluation of symptoms, order appropriate tests, and provide treatments such as medication, surgery, devices, rehabilitative therapy or counseling.
Hearing loss can occur at any age, but most often occurs with age, affecting one-third of adults over age 60 and nearly half of people ages 75 to 85. It can be related to problems with the ear drum canal or bones of the middle ear (conductive hearing loss), to nerve-related hearing loss or combination of both. Permanent hearing loss can’t be reversed, but it can be improved with hearing aids or surgical treatment.
Facial nerve injuries or conditions, such as Bell’s palsy, can cause facial muscle paralysis, weakness or twitching of the face. Diagnosis involves a thorough physical exam, neurological exam, blood tests, imaging (CT, MRI or PET scans) and electromyography to measure electrical activity in muscles. Wayne Health offers treatment for facial nerve disorders that is personalized to the patient and their condition with surgical and nonsurgical options.
While most balance disorders are caused by problems in the inner ear, some can be caused by underlying medical conditions. Wayne Health experts provide a thorough diagnostic evaluation to uncover the cause and develop a treatment plan.
Wayne Health physicians and researchers are also faculty at Wayne State University School of Medicine who conduct basic research and clinical studies. This can make the latest treatments and clinical trials available to you sooner than other providers without a medical school affiliation.
For more information, please visit the links below at the WSU School of Medicine.